One Month Of Bliss


Saturday marked 31 days of marriage for Shawn and I, and what an incredible blessing it has been for us already! We had such a lovely day. The morning was leisurely, spent wandering through the little shops around our suburb. Shawn picked up some gorgeous peonies for me along the way. They are definitely high up on my favourite flower list, their scent is enticing and you can almost sit and watch the multiple layers of petals unfold before your very eyes.

After relaxing at home with some tea and later some lunch, we head out towards Manly (where I was born!) for a sunset picnic we had our hearts set on. Unfortunately, the rain seems to love us, and consistently appears on all of our sentimental days. Regardless, we journeyed out to the very spot that Shawn had proposed exactly 7 months prior. It is definitely my favourite picnic spot in Sydney. A big flat rock, totally secluded, overlooking the ocean and the city on the horizon. The weather wasn’t ideal, with dark grey clouds looming overhead, but thankfully we avoided any rainfall while outside. We snuggled up in blankets, enjoyed a nice hot (well, warm) cuppa tea and some tasty treats. It was very relaxing.









Thinking back over how far we’d come after 7 months, made my heart smile. I could never have imagined I would be this happily married. Here are my absolute favourite things about being married after one month of bliss!

A Deeper Emotional Connection.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to effectively put this into words but I’ll try… I honestly didn’t think that love could get much stronger than what Shawn and I had already, but oh boy it does! Already, I feel like we know each other so much better, we understand one another’s needs more gracefully, and having him as my husband makes life without him seem even more unimaginable.

Waking Up And Falling Asleep.
Fairly typical response, but there is nothing quite like drifting slowly off to sleep with a warm body in bed with you, and waking up to soft kisses and his arm sliding gently around you. Morning cuddles are probably (definitely) the greatest way to start a day.

Sharing And Doing Life Together.
We all know the saying “what’s mine is yours” and it really shines true within a marriage. You must be open to sharing. And I don’t mean just worldly possessions such as your money or favourite beach towel. It goes far beyond that. You share more of yourself, more of your heart, your body, your mind, and your spirit. And I do believe you even begin to share more of God. It’s simply having that person that you want to have everything to do with, going through life with you, hand in hand. They know all of you, wholly and completely. And that will only continue to grow as the years pass by, I’m sure of it!

There are so many more little things I love about being married to Shawn, but they are definitely at the top of my list. The gift of marriage is by far one of the greatest things God has blessed mankind with!


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