A Promise of Faith

I have been writing a lot about faith lately, but I really feel like God has wanted to increase it in my life this year. As many of you know, the last three months of being engaged have been especially testing. Shawn has been without a steady job for the entirety of the year, making it difficult to set a budget and save for our life as married couple (which is approaching rapidly!). Up until now Shawn hasn’t had any savings whatsoever, with every penny going towards food and rent, while I’ve spent all my savings on our rotten car. Honestly if you want a way of emptying your bank account really fast, buy a car.

So we’ve looked to God for every single one of our needs, and without fail, they have all been met. It doesn’t come as a surprise to me that this would be the case, however it continues to amaze me. We should never be complacent with the blessings we receive in our lives, but at the same time, it shouldn’t be a shock that He chooses to bless us.

It says in Hebrews 10:23…

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

God’s promises come in the truest form. I’m sure every person who reads this has had a promise broken in the past, and has probably broken one of their own promises. But the Lord is so great, so honest and so trustworthy. A promise is unbreakable to God, and he has sworn to be faithful to us.

In the last couple of weeks, Shawn has experienced a massive turn around with job opportunities. He went from having almost nothing on the table, to being presented with three amazing offers. He has recently taken up some work with a producer, as his camera assistant, as well as having been offered some part time work in a camera store and an interview elsewhere (I will reveal the company if he gets the job)! On top of all that he has some weddings lined up in the summer and other video work that will hopefully build up over the coming months, and includes travel. It almost brings me to tears when I think about how perfectly timed our God is, and how He brings people and opportunities into our lives that aren’t just good, but great.

I feel ridiculous for taking moments to worry or have fear about my future or present issues. My God has every detail of my life pieced together in the most glorious and flawless pattern. Fear is to be cast aside and replaced with faith. For those who have even a little faith, can achieve astounding things. I am definitely seeing this more and more in my own life.

I am so relaxed with wedding planning, visa paperwork and organizing our life as we step into marriage. Everything is falling into place, and even though it seemed to be a financial struggle, our prayers continue to be answered each day and I am so full of hope for what’s to come. Great things are ahead! I encourage everyone to really press into what God has for you, because he wants to bless each and every person on the earth abundantly. He is waiting with open arms for us to come to Him.

“The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.”

Psalm 145:17


P.S. This is a random little side note, but last night at church the sweetest girl came over to me after the service and encouraged me with my blog. It was so wonderful; I was totally blown away and loved briefly chatting with her. It is so lovely how God uses complete strangers to build you up! So, Brielle from Perth, thank you for saying hi! Enjoy Sydney!